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Making your Suede Shoes look brand New

By :Alexander Noel 0 comments
Making your Suede Shoes look brand New

Style and Sharpness of Suede Shoes

If you are a shoe aficionado like me, then somewhere in your closet you have an old pair of suede shoes. I happen to have multiple pairs that I have grown very fond of.

Before Alexander Noel, my first cool pair of classy shoes were purchased in Venice, Italy about fifteen years ago. I was young and wanting to see the world. I somehow landed in Venice at a Bruno Magli store. At the time, they were the most expensive pair of boots I have ever purchased in my life.  They were brown suede boots. Today, I still have these Bruno Magli’s and will keep them protected, cleaned and ever so often, I will even pull them out and wear them. What great boots! 

What is Suede?

Suede is a type of leather with a napped finish, commonly used for jackets, shoes, shirts, purses, furniture, and other items. The term comes from French “gants de Suede” which literally means “gloves from Sweden.” Suede is made from the underside of the animal skin, which is softer and more pliable than, though not as durable as, the outer skin layer.


Caring for Suede

Suede is perceived to be delicate because what buyers think of the shoes ability to handle   rain conditions or that they are difficult to keep clean. This is not true. Suede shoes truly can endure day to day use. The key to anything is doing the right things daily to care for them.

There are two things that I wanted to share: 1) How to clean Suede shoes, and 2) How to make your Suede shoes look fresh and new after fifteen years.  If you do not have “Monk” like qualities like me (Monk, the TV show, the obsessive-compulsive cleaner), then your suede may need some help.

Look at this video that reviews how to clean a dirty stain:

If you want to spruce up your suede shoes, look at this video to learn more about making your beaten-up suede shoes look new

 Thanks for reading and watching. Take care of your suede shoes!

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